The SE22 Piano School is running a competition on Instagram. Win a 1-to-1 Music Aptitude Test scholarship preparation lesson in September 2023. All the info is here:

London Year 6 students: Don’t miss the deadline to apply to Dame Alice Owen’s School on a Music Aptitude Test scholarship place for September 2024 entry. The important dates are listed below:
4th September 2023 – Entrance Exam Part 1 / Musical Aptitude Test Part 1
15th September 2023 – Musical Aptitude Test Part 1 results emailed out
19th September 2023 – Entrance Exam Part 1 results emailed out
23rd September 2023 – Entrance Exam Part 2
w/c 25th September 2023 – 2nd Round Musical Aptitude tests
About the Music Aptitude Test (Round One)
Pitch: for these questions, candidates listen to two sounds and have to indicate whether the second sound is the same as the first, or whether it is higher or lower. Some of the pitches are less than a semitone apart. 20 questions.
Melody: for these questions, candidates listen to two tunes consisting of five notes. Candidates have to decide whether the second tune is the same as the first or if one of the notes has been altered. If there is a change, candidates will be expected to identify which note has been altered, by giving the number of the note.
10 questions.
Texture: for these questions, candidates listen to a number of notes played together at the same time; this is called a chord. Candidates need to decide whether or not each chord has two, three or four notes.
20 questions.
Rhythm: for these questions, candidates listen to two patterns of notes and have to decide whether the second pattern is the same as, or different from, the first, and where any difference occurs. Each rhythm will be four beats (or pulses) in length.
10 questions.
Letters with results of the first Musical Aptitude test will be sent out within 10 days of the tests taking place.
Children achieving 47 marks or above will be invited to attend a second Musical Aptitude Test. Nb. this score may vary each year.
For this second test, each child is allocated a 5 minute slot to perform on their preferred instrument/s (voice included). There is a totally free choice of piece(s) and the child can perform on more than one instrument if they prefer.
Results of the second Musical Aptitude test will be sent by letter before the end of October and may be helpful to parents when making their child’s school application. Parents who wish to apply for a place at Dame Alice Owen’s School must include it as one of their preferences when making their child’s secondary transfer application via their home Local Authority.
You can download and practice the specimen Aural Tests online so that you know what kind of tests to expect.
Music Aptitude Test web site: