CLAREMONT HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY: Music Aptitude Test & Scholarship Audition

2023 Admissions Information:

10 percent of new intake places will be for students who have an aptitude in Music.

Our tests cover the kind of questions you will hear on the day and will help you gain familiarity with the unusual style of tests used. Our tests are in no way identical to the exact test but we have been successfully preparing students for these scholarships for many years using our training materials. Download the training materials here:

Buy Music Aptitude Tests for SW Herts Consortium Dame Alice Owens Schools Claremont High School Nottingham Girls Boy School Ashmole Academy Kingsdale Prendergast Haberdashers

Students will be asked to complete a Music Aptitude Test on Saturday 11th June 2022 Auditions will be held on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st June 2022.

We also offer 1-to-1 lessons to help you prepare for the test at Claremont and other UK schools.

Music Aptitude Test: SW Herts Consortium Schools. Dates for 2024 Admissions.

Music Aptitude Tests for all SW Herts Consortium schools 11+ entry  take place in the Autumn term. Most schools will conduct the test on the same day so please check the school web site and note the date in your diary.

Key Testing Dates 2023 for Secondary Transfer 2024

Online registration for the tests opens Tuesday 11th April 
Registration Closes Friday 16th June
Date of Test Venue Notification Friday 7th July (around noon)

The following schools select a percentage of their intake via a Music Aptitude system. Check the links below to confirm the stats for this year’s intake.

Parmiter’s School
25% of places selected on general ability, 10% of places for aptitude for Music

Queens’ School (Bushey)
265 places in Year 7. 35% of places selected on general ability, 5% for musical aptitude, 5% for sporting aptitude

Rickmansworth School
185 places in Year 7. 25% of places selected on general ability, 10% of places for musical aptitude

St Clement Danes School (Chorleywood)
208 places. 10% general ability, 10% musical aptitude

Watford Grammar School for Boys
190 places in Year 7. 25% of places selected on general ability, 10% of places for musical aptitude.

Watford Grammar School for Girls
180 places in Year 7. 45 (25%) of places selected on academic ability, 18 (10%) of places for musical aptitude. There were 570 applications in 2010.

Other partially selective non-consortium schools

Dame Alice Owen’s School
32.5% of places selected for general ability, 5% for aptitude in Music

Bishops Stortford High School
155 places in Year 7, 5% of places selected for sporting aptitude, 5% for musical aptitude

Hertfordshire and Essex High School (Stortford)
160 places in Year 7, 5% of places selected for sporting aptitude, 5% for musical aptitude

Hockerill Anglo-European College (Bishops Stortford)
120 places in Year 7: 68 day places and 52 boarding places. 7 places allocated for linguistic aptitude, 3 places of musical aptitude and 2 places for aptitude in both subjects

Information on this page was believed to be correct at the time of writing, but we would not necessarily be aware of subsequent changes unless someone brings them to our attention.  Before acting on any information given here, please verify that it is up to date.

You can download and practice the specimen Aural Tests online so that you know what kind of tests to expect.

Music Aptitude Test web site:

We offer 1-to-1 Music Aptitude Test & Music Scholarship Training SE22 Piano School in East Dulwich. [Book Now]

Music Aptitude Test: Cardinal Vaughan Boys School

It’s that time of year again when we start receiving a high volume of enquiries about 1-to-1 Music Aptitude Test lessons. See here to book a Zoom lesson.

Music Aptitude Test form:

You can download and practice the specimen Tests online so that you know what kind of tests to expect.

Music Aptitude Test training
