Here is some information for the start of the new term. As soon as lessons resume on Monday 9th January, we need to do a mock exam with any students hoping to enter for Easter exams. The entry deadlines and exams are very early this year so if a student has yet to fully learn scales and work on aural and sight-reading, it is advisable that they enter at the Summer session. If the parents haven’t printed the mock exam forms as requested, please use a blank sheet of paper and then photograph the whole sheet and email to me. Do not leave the mock exam result with the student. [Mock Exam Form].
Additionally, only 5 students have signed up for the Student Recital so we could do with boosting the numbers with another 5 performers. Can you remind your students to sign up ASAP? Students signed up are: Adam, Lucille, Elliott, Keir, Scarlett. I will send the link to sign up by email. It is £15 per performer and no charge for audience. It takes place on Sunday 22 January at the 1901 Arts Club in Waterloo. Claire – Luella said she will participate, could you remind her please? Sam – Micah is usually keen to perform so could you nudge him too?
Having read through your teaching notes, I have noted which students should be ready to enter in Easter as follows:
William (Alex)
Students to move to the new Trinity graded syllabus:
Mickey, Mags, Tom, Lucille
Sophia, Initial (Alex)
Samson, G4 (Lorraine)
Luke, G2 (Lorraine)
Susannah, Initial (Lorraine)
Edward, Initial (Lorraine)
Rowan, G6 (Lorraine)
Miranda, G4 (Lorraine)
Oliver, G3 (Lorraine)
With the move to Trinity exams, please ensure all students are working through the full requirements for the exam, not just the piece. Here is what is required for Initial to Grade 5:
- Play 3 Pieces
- Play 3 Exercises
- Play scale requirements from memory
- Aural Tests
- Musical Knowledge (see below)
Musical Knowledge (instead of sight-reading)
These questions test the candidate’s understanding of their chosen pieces, the context of their performance and their knowledge of their instrument and its technical demands, including best practice for rehearsal and performance.
Five questions, each worth 2 marks, will normally be asked. Questions will include discussions on most of the areas mentioned below, but not all parameters will be relevant to all disciplines and pieces, and examiners will select questions as appropriate. Candidates must ensure that copies are not so heavily annotated that a reasonable range of questions for the grade is precluded.